Tag Archives: 500 pounds

Save 500 pounds a year

21 Jun

Hi all in London. I am so frustrated with how expensive things are in London. So I am setting up a blog for all Londoners and I, to find ways to save in London and still have a quality life. can this be done ? Well I need everyone’s help and tips, as many as you have, the better. I have started to look at what I spend and already found a way to save over 500 pounds a year, that’s  an average of 43 pounds a month, which can be used for extra debt payment or save for a holiday. How ? just not spending on my favourite cup of cappuccino each day before work Yes we can keep the quality but we can delete what we can do without. It’s going to be hard but imagine I have just saved 500 pounds for the year. So more saving ideas and bargain stories on shopping, try keeping the quality if you can.  So please Londoners, have you found ways to beat the system ? and still have a good life ? let us know here.